Seven Virtues
Virtue Latin Gloss (Vice) (Latin)
1. Chastity Castitas Purity,knowledge,honesty,wisdom Lust Luxuria
2. Temperance Temperantia Self control,justice,honour,abstention Gluttony Gula
3. Charity Caritas Will,benevolence,generosity,sacrifice Greed Avaritia
4. Diligence Industria Persistence,effort, ethics,rectitude Sloth Acedia
5. Patience Patientia Peace,mercy,ahimsa,sufferance Wrath Ira
6. Kindness Humanitas Satisfaction,loyalty,compassion,integrity Envy Invidia
7. Humility Humilitas Bravery,modesty,reverence,altruism Pride Superbia
Your concept design must portray one of the (above) seven virtues as a character. Beyond the chosen virtue, the character can
exist in any time, space and artistic style. Consider the context and environment in which they exist - how does that impact on their
physiognomy, appearance, faculty, philosophy, belief and resolve? Are they humanoid, quadruped, mammal, fish, invertebrate or
How can you best use form, colour, clothing or other paraphernalia to visualise and personify and communicate the virtue as a
The character must convey the chosen virtue above all other considerations.
For this project we have to crate a charter that shows one of these Virtues. So in other posts I will be looking closely at each one of the virtues and seeing what types of character mindsets belong to each of theses Virtues.
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