Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Summary: The seven virtues

So in my other document I looked into all seven virtues in detail to work out what type of personality or character they could be associated with I also broke down each virtue to look at individual aspects so that I could have a more clear understanding of what each meant before I chose a virtue to build my character around. In this document are all really summarising my findings on all seven virtues and choosing one of the virtues for my project

.Chastity: Is a person of purity and innocence who stays away from harmful substances and better themselves through education whilst refraining from temptation or hostility

.Temperance: Is a person of self-control much like a leader who knows when the needs of others must come before his or herself.

.Charity: As a person who has love towards their fellow beings and through selfless acts tries to better the world around them for themselves and others.

.Diligence: Is a person of self motivation to achieve any goal is they set their mind to not fall group recognition but for own personal pride as well as having strong determination.

.Patience:Is a person of mercy only using necessary justice and not letting personal feelings cloud their judgement and even being kind to the worst of enemies through peaceful justice.

.Kindness: Is a person that has a positive outlook on life seeing the best within people regardless of past actions whatever they may be the worst of people they will still see the best in.

.Humility:Is a person that does not think themselves above others and will always put themselves in harm's way to protect others but being also willing to face fear and sacrifice with bravery while sharing achievements with others who have entered

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