Wednesday, 19 February 2014

CS: Research

For this assignment I have been asked to look at the different career path is there are in the games industry and how some careers have become obsolete and some have developed and changed due to the technology or the attitude of the market. First off and done a look at the difference career path there are in the game industry from financial to program and all in between. When researching I went to the creative skill set homepage: and
When searching for different job titles they showed me a help full job listing provided certain jobs into difference sections here is the image for example:

image from

Now I'm going to create my mother's revolving around these types of game jobs and also the different offshoots from these jobs to get a sense of how in-depth some of the roles are within the industry.

The jobs aim learning to look at for this assignment is the finance so thing like management of money and cash flow management or 3D model like environment creation or assets creation. 

I'm now going to looking more closely at how 3-D modellers operate and aiming to look more closely at the differences between models that work on indie games and Triple-A games. 

Within triple-A games 3-D modellers are often a valuable member of the development team. But in massive game productions there are many different types of modellers and also vast numbers of them. In a triple-A game there there is not one 3-D modeller that covers all types of 3-D models of the game as with the scale of a triple-A game it would be impossible for one or two people to create all 3-D assets to a triple-A standard. So the way it is set out is that there are often Independents modellers that work on certain creations for example character modellers they will focus on the character creation while and asset modeller will focus on props to be placed in the environment e.g. chairs, tables. This is often shown with job offers that Triple-A companies open up. They will often ask for 3-D modeller which specialises in a certain area for example assets with experience of current graphics here are some examples that I was able to find of job offers asking for certain types of models. 



In Indie companies they are often the opposite to triple-A companies when it comes to 3-D modellers. As indie companies often have very limited budgets. They often dont have the budget to hire individual modellers to work on their game they will often higher one or two people back model all the 3-D models for the game but often as well indie companies will try to hire a generalist someone who will be able to animate model texture and make the 3-D assets game engine ready the drawbacks to this is that the quality of the models are nowhere near the standard of triple-A games because of the limited budget and time.

Software as well is a big factor that affects indie companies and triple-A companies. As in the past 3-D modelling software was very expensive making it almost impossible for small companies to access 3-D software. But as time has moved on some 3-D software is became free to download for example blunder this gave a massive opportunity that even individuals to start learning how to create 3-D assets. 

With the further development of 3-D software more and more became free to download and anyone can access them this gave indie companies a chance to start creating 3-D games without paying a hefty price tag which often would be impossible for them to afford this was another moment's which heavily affected 3-D model is within the game industry.

For the essay:
In the essay I'm going focus mainly on the differences between Triple-A and indie and how time has affected this difference and what it has done for both types of studio

explain 3D

Its effect on games
Rise of 3-D software
Triple-A modellers
Indie modellers
Main differences between the two types of models

However increasing software has changed 3-D
Ever closing gap between Triple-A modellers and indie modellers

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