Counter-strike: global offensive
Counter strike global offensive is a tactical-based first person shooter played only online. The game only consists of multiplayer and has no campaign or story mode. The online portion of Counter strike is made up of multiple game modes such as death match which is two teams competing against each other to see who can achieve the highest kill score over each other. While arms race game mood is similar but when a player gains a kill they advanced to another weapon until they have advanced to the highest weapon then the game ends.
Counter strike takes more of a realistic approach when it comes to game play by having players experienced heavy recoil when using heavy weapons and giving the player directly see if they are standing still or in a cramped position this is also true for certain weapons that use scopes as when the player moves the scope will become blurred and make it difficult to see in forcing that players should usually stay still to receive better accuracy but the longer players will stay still the more chance they are to be shot as they are a static target.
Counter strike go is placed in between two main genres the first being the first person shooter and online tactical game. /is done this to combine both the genres together to see how they would fare to work side-by-side.
recoil: The recall mechanic is as much a game play altering mechanic as much as it is a realism mechanic. making players always think about the knack shop they are going to fire and also their position as crouching and staying still also matter when controlling the recoil of weapons. This layer of tactical thinking adds another obstacle for the player to overcome and also keeps them engaged and constantly thinking about how best to engage the enemy within a certain area so that they can gain an advantage.
Accuracy: The accuracy mechanic is mainly based around positioning is in if your characters moving your accuracy will be vastly different to whether you are crouching or standing still and when in a firefight if you're moving around and trying to shoot it almost makes it impossible to hit another player. this combined with the vehicle mechanic really makes the player think on their position on the map and whether they are going to hunker down and get the best accuracy to try and achieve kills or move around to avoid being shot by enemy players this constantly plays in the back of the player's mind and must choose to switch between both tactics to stay alive.
scaled Multiplayer matchmaking:
Multiplayer encompassed by global offensive is scaled towards the players abilities for example if you are a player that is only had 10 matches of experience the multiplayer will try and match you with other players of a similar experience. with the competitive nature of the game this is a very good move as it avoids new players being beaten on by more experienced players who have hundreds of hours compared to someone who only had two or three hours of game play. this being a simple mechanics think gives the game a really good balance and allows new players to get adjusted to the game without being thrown into competitive combat straight away. however there is a drawback to this system if you are playing with an experienced player who is your friend and you go into a lobby with that player you will often be joined with people of his skill set making it hard for the player to learn new things about the game this I think is one of the most off putting features about counter strike's multiplayer.
Strong points:
gun play: will play is one of Strikes major mechanics and one of its biggest ramps I feel as it offers a layer of tactical thinking which is not present within any other first person shooters similar making the player constantly think about their next move and the way they are going to execute that move this allows players to see their progression as they become more skillful and able to take on more challenging opponents. as well as offering solid gunplay it also makes requirements for players that stop playing this game as it tells them they have to learn how to handle and control their weapon before they can contribute to the team making a universal standard for entry into the game.
Tactical possibilities: Similar to a MOBA ( Multiplayer online Battle Arena) counter strike consists of some tactical elements when it comes to team play as with a well coordinated team players can predict and counter enemy movements with tactical grenades smoke grenades to block off enemy views and also positioning their team in certain areas to gain an advantage for an example if a player has a sniper rifle the team would position them in an open area firm to be most effective while taking the player with an assault rifle or shotgun into the close quarters situations and then talking to each other to verify enemy movements allowing for our well coordinated team to have dominance on the battlefield.
Weak points:
learning curve: with counterstrike there is very little that constitutes a weak points within the gameplay but one of the very major problems is the learning curve that new players will have to go through in order to even reach a minimum standard to contribute to the team. As counterstrike is very different to any other FPS games with its difference gunplay mechanics this almost means that new players have to learn again when starting to play and if a new player comes up against a well-organised team this almost makes it impossible for them to even fight back against them but I think by trying to make the learning key curve easier for new players this could ultimately upset the balance of gameplay for the whole game theoretically destroying what counterstrike is as a game. In short it seems that this weakness is more of a symptom of what the game is and is just something that has to be dealt with from all players
From my point of view I think Strike is an excellent example of a first person shooter with a more tactical feel to it. the more tactical approach to game play thinks ads are good skill-based mechanic to the game allowing for players that have the skill and the time to become the best members of the team and rewarding them with victory over the other team. As an arena-based first person shooter a thing as a prime example of first person shooter made correctly with tactical elements given its great game mechanics and overall flow in counterstrike will always exist as a major example of one of the best tactical first person games ever made.
I do take issue with the level of entry to counterstrike as new players may be put off by some like the but overall I think this is the nature of the game without this level to entry the game would not be as competitive or rewarding as it is today.
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