Sunday, 16 November 2014

Research: looking into other games

Research goal:
through my research I will be looking  into games that I think are similar to my concept and see how they are constructed and what makes them fun to play or in some cases had to play our use this research knowledge to then iterate on my concept to make it a stronger game idea.

For my research I'll be looking into MOBA(Multiplayer online Battle Arena) games like:

.DOTA 2 (Deference of the ancients)
.LOL (league of Legends)

 I'm writing a review on different mechanics of the game's feature as well is what makes them fun to play and what can be improved on their formula to make them better games.

For my research I will also be looking into tactical first person shooter games like:

.Counter-strike: global offensive

I will also be reviewing these the same way I will be reviewing the MOBA  games and  analyzing their strengths and weaknesses. this hopefully should give me relevant research insights into the common trends of MOBAs  and tactical first person shooters so that I can hopefully incorporate their strengths into my game making it a more enjoyable experience for the player.

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