Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Unity: Update one game play

Update one game play

Within this document I'll be talking about alterations and updates are made towards my original game after receiving some comments and feedback from participants of the game. Two major points that were  brought to my attention within testing was the fire rate of the weapon and also sensitivity of the controls. the first points of rate of fire was easily adjusted with some play testing for balance but from the original one bullets every three seconds I loaded down to one bullet every second.  The sensitivity was another easily remedied issue with turning it down to a more playable experience some players in future this should be unalterable through a menu option so players can have their preferred sensitivity.

In this screenshot is demonstrating the new bullets particle system that has been implemented as well as the increased fire rated  to the weapon.

In a screen shot is  demonstrating the new touches to the sensitivity as it has been reduced to a controllable limits what hopefully within future updates this shall be adjustable through menu options.

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