DOTA 2 (deference of the ancients)

DOTA 2 is set on one map in which two teams made up of five players must work towards destroying the other teams mega structure called the ancient. the two teams may choose from a roster of over 100 heroes and work with their team members throughout the game in order to beat the only players and gain an advantage over the other team. The way the players will gain this advantage is by killing enemy drones called creeps these creeps are not controlled by any players and countless can spawn on the map the players will receive a certain amount of money upon killing a creep. They can then use this money to buy items which may complemented their heroes skills for devastating combos. That heroes will also receive large sums of money the killing enemy hero and this is where teamwork comes into play as working alone will often result in the loss of the game while working together as a coherent theme will usually guarantee victory. The map is set out as three lanes these are three alleyways in which creeps will spawn and move up along these pathways till they collide with each other and will start a fighting. Along these paths there are three towers that do significant damage to see heroes and creeps the tactic is to over time were down the enemy's Tower till it is destroyed. Once all three towers are destroyed that lanes barracks will be able to be attacked once these two barracks is destroyed the creeps on the opposing team will become much stronger and will give that team a significant advantage. The last defense of the ancients is two more towers once these destroyed the ancient is available to be attacked upon destruction of the ancient the game will end the clearing the winning team.
With over 100 heroes in the game there are many different classes of heroes such as carry, support, semi support and Pusher. Each of these heroes have different stats and abilities that put them into these classes for example one of the support characters Lynch has an ability where he can give fellow players armor buffs that helps them survive longer. The ability is shown in this picture in the red box:
While a carry hero like drow Ranger has abilities which makes her damage output magnified by a significant amount that means that this character should get most of the gold because league game that character will become much stronger then many others. The ability is shown in this picture in the red box:
When choosing heroes it's best to get a strong balance team as it will go a very long way in ensuring victory for your team.
Fog of War:
similar to other RTS is dota has a Fog of War system which is dependent on player site and player structures for example a structure like a tower has a certain radius around the where the team it belongs to can see activity such as player movements and creep movements. Players themselves have an area around them where they could see through the fog of war but one of the areas where there is almost no visibility is called the jungle this can be easily remedied however by players purchasing an item called wards they are then able to place them down and have a similar effect as it will show in a certain radius through the fog of war allowing players to see into the jungle and see of enemy players are moving through its. here is an example image:
the jungle is and name given to the area in between lanes shown in this image marked as read:
In these areas the players can move through it freely and located within the jungle are a thing called free camps these are shown in blue squares on the image above. At these camps are a set of creeps that can be killed by players to earn extra gold the difference between the ease and normal creeps on a lane is that the player has to take the damage directly onto them which makes farming these areas difficult to say and heroes the jungle as well is where players can move to other lanes without being seen by all the players as there is no sites within the jungle unless all the players have placed wards down.
NPC (non-playable characters):
Mainly in dota and there are two types of NPC's there are lean creeps and there are free camps as shown in these images below:
Lane creeps
blame creeps are creeps that spawn at the poise base and then walk along a set path on one of three lanes and they are always trying to destroy structures on that said Lane they cannot deviate from this path and a new batch of them will spawn once every minute and is equal to both teams.
camp creeps:
camp creeps are NPC's back don't move and stay in a certain area of the map their are many different types of creatures that make up creep camps but they are always in the same area and spawn once every minutes depending on if the previous camp before had been killed or not the heroes that venture into the jungle they are often commonly farmed as a source of gold for that character.
dota 2 falls mainly into the category of multiplayer online battle arena or MOBA it's commonly known as the franchise that started the genre and is seen as the main archetype of the MOBA genre.
The hero mechanic in dota is one of its finest mechanics and probably one of the most diverse mechanics in the whole game. with the multiple choice of 100 and all he heroes this almost makes for an unlimited amount of combinations that teams can go with given an almost limitless playtime to test different combinations. This make sure the game has a very long life expectancy for players that wish to explore and perfect skills with many different heroes.
with the ability's mechanic is implemented with each hero giving them a maximum of six abilities that players can use off offensively or defensively this is where the main diversity and teamwork can come into play the teams. As there are many abilities that complemented each other or also could be combines the devastating effects in battles this allows that seems with coordination to unleash devastation upon the opposite team.
the stat mechanic is placed onto every hero the first three stats are strength, agility and intelligence.these three traits affect much about the player strength affects the overall health player has as well as their amount of damage they do on an attack agility affects the movement speed of a player and intelligence affects the amount of minor player has and their regeneration of it.
The secondary stats are Armour, movement speed and attack damage. on the is often increased through items and the more player has the more resistance they will have to physical attack damage. movement speed just describes how fast the player can move from one area to another. An attack damage is the amount of damage a player will do in one of their attacks this does not affect their abilities which do damage.
Two other similar stats are the players health bar and the players manner bar. the players held by the shows how much else they have and also how much health regeneration they currently have once a player's health bar is diminished the player will die and be forced to respawn. The manner bar shows how much manner player will have manner is only used for abilities so one player has no manner lest they are not able to use certain abilities.
the shop mechanic on terror can be accessed from anywhere on the map by a player and has a list of items that the player can place in their infantry which only has six slots. The player can choose from a variety of different items that will give temporary or permanent bonuses and depending on the player's class has to be chosen accordingly for example at he wrote that relies on ability use to cause damage to other players may go for items that give them significantly increased manner regeneration while a tank player may go with items that increase their health regeneration.
the denying mechanic is a very simple mechanic but lets players destroy friendly units or structures when they are on a certain amount of health what this stores is lets that seemed that is denying a structure also stop the other team from receiving money from a kill this may sound like a simple game mechanic but in games can turn the tide of an entire game as stopping an enemy team from receiving gold slows down their progression and gives your team and advantage.
Strong points:
Balance: With Dota I think one of its main strong points is its balance in the way that there is no hero that can beat every other hero it can always be counted by someone else. This offers a good arena experience as it is souly based on skills.
progression: with the game's progression system I really like this concept and think it is really good way to keep the player engaged as they feel a sense of increasing power whenever they gain more items and see their character developing and also that feeling of progressing fairer than your enemy players and then being able to destroy them easily as you have progressed further than them due to your skill.
items/infantry: When looking into any items in infant tree system it really shows that even with progression the game creators are still trying to keep a balance among players as the infantry system can only hold six items meaning that even acts late stages of game play enemies do not become absurdly overpowered. this also means that the player has to think more tactically about items they are going to purchase as they can only have limited space to hold them. as with the item system I think this further offers more possibilities to a player on their approach to winning as many different items have many different effects some back and be used to counter the heroes which gives the player a more tactical approach when purchasing items making the player always think about the enemy team and what they may do to destroy their hero I think the way the game keeps this level of attention from the player is a really good way of keeping the player interested to discover more items that they can use against the enemy team.
limitless possibilities To winning:I think with the overall games amount of content scanner offers to players in terms of Heroes abilities and items this almost limitless possibility approach to winning the game from different methods or different tactics is a really good way of allowing players to go through the game again and again and again discovering new tactics and approaches to dealing with all the teams.
Weak points:
Team experience: One of the major points of data that is really dampened my game play with the game is the team experience can have with other users. As this is not a fault with the creators but more with the community there is very little that can be done to solve this problem but it is inevitably a problem that can dampen your experience with the game. was some team members that or unwilling to co-operate all work as a team this can spell disaster even if your hero is doing well it doesn't take much to bring the whole team down if some of the team are not cooperating. The solution to this chord in itself break the game and make the game play on fun as a solution could be to make the game less about team cooperation so that if your team members on this cooperating with you it will not have such an effect on your experience but I think this will take away from the overall game feel and make the game less as a result.
Late progression: the reason I have list later progression onto this list is because if your team at the beginning of the game may be getting eliminated by the opposing team the game makes it very difficult for you to come back from being so behind in terms of currency and items almost to the point where there is no point continuing playing the game as you are bound to lose anyway this again is a byproduct of the arena and also like the other weakness is hard to find solution without affecting the overall game play and flow.
overall I think there were two is close to being an almost perfect battle arena as in terms of balance and equal opportunities for both parties it is almost perfect. I really think with this scheme succeeds is its almost limitless possibilities in terms of accomplishing your goal of winning anything with a well coordinated team you could spend hundreds of hours finding combinations to use together to achieve victory and I think in terms of keeping a player interested and constantly playing go into is remarkable in that area and one of my original fears that I had about dota where I fought the game would have no sense of progression if you were starting again every time you played it really does not feel like that as you have experience about the arena and about different heroes that you can use to your advantage against other enemies.
In terms of team play however I think this is where the game can falter as if you do not have a good team on your side that will not work with you it will almost certainly mean you are going to lose no matter how good you are the player but I think this comes with the territory of playing a MOBA ( multiplayer online battle arena) but I think it can be an almost came ruining experience as it means that almost all your efforts are in vain to try in win the game for your team but maybe future games may be able to address some of these issues but for the moment it seems like don't there is going to suffer from this until the foreseeable future
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