Thursday, 21 May 2015

BA6: contextual study: Research political game: Bioshock infinite

Bioshock infinite

Bioshock infinite is a first person action game set in the year 1912 in where you play as Booker Dewitt in search of a girl in order to satisfy an unknown entity. Booker must  travel to the floating city of Columbiain order to find the scale. This city is meant to be a representation of the southern America evangelical Christian states with racial discrimination to black people and a fundamental Christian view of the world. Quickly events go wrong from book in which he is accused of being a false prophets and its chase by the inhabitants of Columbia finally finding the girl Elizabeth Booker discovers that she has special powers and Booker prize to take Elizabeth away from the brewing civil war between the Vox Popuil a black revolutionary group and the Colombian military. 

Bioshock infinite has a political on the two meant to represent the era in history of black discrimination and slavery. I'm trying to show a story for a third person perspective of being in the middle of this feud. Though not being the main point of the story this political  undertone definitely put a massive impact on the story with the players feel sympathetic towards the Vox Popuil and disdain for the Colombian people.

Link in to the racial component of the game is the Christian undertone in that the city is ruled by a profit and once the Herald back to a time of where they consider America to be a Christian nation and that God was the force that kept America great. this is not really a components of the game which is explained more or less given as a explanation why people follow and also it is used because this was the norm for the historical time even though the world is set fictionally. 

gameplay consists of normal first person action similar to some other games with some salt differences as for example  plasmas which were used in the last bio shock games make a return as vigors which are similar special powers with different abilities such as controlling enemy is or casting exploding fire at enemies as well as the feature of the Skyhawk which allows players to go around on on rail pass in order to get to new places. 

Bioshock infinite takes a very different road compared to the modern games having many political undertones contained in this story really helps to set the back drop of characters and places explaining why the city is self-contained mentor represents the idea of state seceding from the American union because of the abolishing of slavery. even having attractions in the city about bashing black people for exampleone of the most defining scenes of the game is in which when you first come to the city of Columbia introduced to the environments greeted very nicely from all the people around and then invited to a raffle in which the player does not know what is happening is then shown because a man decided to marry a black woman they are slandered and going to be stoned to death it is at this stunning realisation that you know what is happening and what these people are  it is a horrifying way of discovering what's this places an absolutely amazing moments in my gaming history. Just because of the sheer way it makes you feel angry  just from this game alone pulling for me this is one of my top moments in gaming because of the sheer shock of what that moment represents and how it symbolises past tendencies.

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