Wednesday, 20 May 2015

BA6: Game prototype: V.0.3

Evolution prototype V.0.3  feedback number 1

In v.0.2 I was able to implement an enemy and tower system into the game in which there was a rebellious states bought a very basic amount of game play of the game. I subjected this to scrutiny from different people and asked their feedback in order to improve and iterates upon whether games at the moment. Even though the game has not had all its features implemented I felt that getting feedback would allow me to build some core features which would help  improve the game play.

The feedback I received was mixed with players asking for a multitude of different new things to be implemented into the game three of the biggest feedback that received was that players would like to have the ability to place down different towers as well as have a speed up time feature and also an enemy counter to show them how many enemies were currently on the map at that time so I won about implementing these features into the game.

Enemy counter
When about making this feature by creating some changes to different scripts. First off I went about changing the basic enemy script that's every time an enemy is instantiated it would increase the value on the enemy counter as well as the current enemy counter which shows enemies on the map of the current time. Once the enemy units were destroyed they would subtract one point from the current enemies on the map telling the player how many enemies are currently on the map and how many have spawned in that way if.

 Time multiplier
The time manipulate the feature was asked for by a few people and is a relatively simple script to implement into the game. I first created a time script which would identify if the time of the game was running at one times normal this would be a normal speed it then instantiated a button onto the UI allowing the player to increase the speed to 3 times the normal speed and then if the speed of the game was three times faster the button were changed to allow the players to change the time back to normal.

 Different tower types

this mechanic was one of the most difficult to implement so far as I had to look into various new coding techniques in order to create this. I had to use a lot of complex array structures in order to create this mechanic and here are the final console image of the script.

what this does is allows is  placing the game object which has to be selected in order to construct the tower for example clicking the green box in the UI would then allow the players to construct the basic tower these are labelled at the top as tower one tower to tower three then the rest of the raise in the script line up to the three UI objects at the  for example elements 10 in all of the raise links up to the basic tower UI and this is how the script against the information on how to construct the tower and also how much the tower will cost to the resource system

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