Wednesday, 20 May 2015

BA6: Game prototype V.0.7

Evolution prototype V.0.7 feedback number 3 

When releasing the version of the game V.0.6 allowing other people to play the game they found that the tower selection option was fairly useless  saying that there was nothing to do on this menu is offered no purpose which I intend to address.

upgrading system
I went about this by creating the upgrade system for my game and implementing this into the start menu difference to my actual game idea this basic operating system is meant to be a precursor to the full operating system which will be implemented in the full version of the game. This is for the use of the prototype in order to show upgrading of the tower to demonstrate the players how it will work.

the grading system would work directly off the tower selection menu and wood integrates many of the scripts in the game such as the basic tower script and also the UI scripts. I used basic button controls in order to allow players to use these upgrades.

Once the player upgrade to tower the current tier of the tower will increase by one every time the upgrade is implemented there are limits to the upgrade which can be set through the script console and also this tier system will be implemented later in a way of physically changing the appearance of the tower. from the basic Towers script the upgrading cost per upgrade can be changed as well as the maximum of great potential of the tower this is the basic fundamental upgrading system which will be implemented into my game which future versions will contain much more heavily detailed variables.

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