Wednesday, 20 May 2015

BA6: Full Game idea

Prototype game idea:  Evolution

In this document is all of the me information about my game idea will be listed and documented this document will contain.

Premise of the game
What the game is about
How the game will interact with the player

What is the main objective of the game
What is the story line in the game

Game play
How the game will function 
What is the failure state
What will the game play of the game consists of
How the game play is different from other tower defense games
What are the main features that are in the game

Tower upgrades
Infantry system
Special abilities
Increasing enemy difficult

Level design
How will the levels be set out
How does the level design impact game play
Types of levels

User Interface
How the user interface will be set out
Tower selection
Storing custom towers
Special abilities


Premise of the game

What the game is about
my game idea is a tower defence/strategy game in which the player must defend a plant like structure from attack from enemy units. These enemy units will start  bass with small numbers and low amounts of help but as ways progress they will ever-increasing in numbers and strengths. There is up to the player to construct towers to defend their planned structure from attack. The way the player will do this is by constructing one of four towers to place down to defend their structure. These plants will be able to cross breed with each other and gain upgrades to this this will be the main way the player can upgrade their towers. The player can then store these crossbred towers in a special tower storage system in which they can then use those towers to defend their base with. This will allow players to gain stronger structures in order to defend from the ever increasing waves of enemies.

How the game will interact with the player
The game will be set similar to a tower defence game in an RTS style view primarily for the PC market. The players will have a similar layouts to a common tower defence game in which they can construct towers in great style map which they were used to defend their  structure from attack from the enemy units the players will have a Tower menu which they can select from four different hours as well as their own custom Tower menu with towers they have stored from previous games. This is meant to generate a feel for the player in which they are obtaining new towers in which to progressed to the higher waves to beat the levels which without upgraded towers would be impossible.


What is the main objective of the game
The main objective of the game is for the player to reach the highest wave level as possible. The player is meant to do this by constructing towers and defending their main structure. the main way in which the players will progress past the more difficult ways is by obtaining upgraded towers and storing them then reusing them. as the towers the  player collects become stronger and stronger this will allow them to progress through difficult waves which they previously could not have the default hours of this  then creates an opportunity for players to create even stronger towers and collect them to gain further allowing for our repeating pattern in which players can go as far as they want.

What is the story line in the game
The game will not contain a full story but will more or less contain a starting story to the player to go on. This will contain information about what the enemies are and what the player is meant to do and explain that the players under the under attack and  they must protect this structure  and they must develop more advanced powers in order to keep their structure safer longer and afterwards  explanation by the game to explain a story and this is effectively where the story of the game will end.

Game play

How the game will function 
The game will function as a normal tower defense game with the view of an RTS (real-time strategy game). For example the game will function as a standard tower defense game with the ability to place down towers, us special effects and have enemies on a path to the players structure at the end. and how the RTS elements of the game will be implemented is by the camera having a mostly birds eye view similar to common RTS games and also having the ability to rotate and give a 360° camera angle of the area which the game is played.

What is the failure state
the failure state of the game will be once these enemies have reached the end of the path that will take off one life points from the player. the play will have a set number of life points at the beginning of the game and once these are depleted the game will end and take the player back to main menu there will be no save points of the game so once the players run of lives that will be the end of that level. the player can construct towers to stand in the way of the final structure as a barrier but once destroyed these towers will not come back on the player must adequately defend these defend the tower to maintain a blockade from the enemies.

What will the game play of the game consists of
The game will primarily consist of players constructing towers in order to defend their structure. using the first fault for towers the player will use them to defend their base and also to destroy the enemy is gaining more resources and therefore building more towers in order to defend from the more difficult waves. Players will also collect  towers which have become upgraded and utilise them as new place of the towers meaning that players will  end up collecting more and more towers which they can then construct defend the rights. As well as these tower features the game will consist of special abilities which players can use the special abilities will be player controls and some will be global and some will be targeted these may be special abilities such as poison to enemies or slow enemies down or even both player towers to help more damage or a global destruction of all units on the map at the current time which the players, to use these tactically if they feel their structure is in danger. These special abilities were all consist of cool downs depending on how powerful vulnerability is for example the stronger abilities will receive the highest good armpits. Similar to other tower defence game is this game will have a time speed up feature in which the players can increase the rate of time in order to speed up certain areas of the game may find boring.

How the game play is different from other tower defense games
the main feature  that the game has  and most other tower defense do not consist of is the  tower storage system in which that players can store upgraded towers to a profile and then use this in any levels they want allowing players to build an arsenal of towers and through my research there is no other game which contains a similar system to this and this is what sets this game apart from others.

What are the main features that are in the game
The two main features that are in the game of those into time to each other the first feature is the operating system. The upgrading system in this game works when players place down a number of towers in an area these towers will then have a chance to randomly sprouts upgrades which will manifest as physical changes on the tower. The upgraded towers will consist of randomly generated upgrades depending on which towers surround them for example if the player constructs of the Resource tower next to a shooting tower there is a chance that the resource tower may gain the ability to shoot projectiles similar to the shooting tower or vice versa. These upgrades can also be as simple as stats upgrade in which towers will output more damage or have a faster fire rate. the player can in turn used the upgraded towers they have collected and construct them next to other upgraded towers they have collected and allowed them to towers to upgrade yet again allowing towers to increase interior upgrades. For example if Tower has upgraded itself once it would be considered the tier 1 and then if the tower had upgrade for a second time it would equal tier 2 and so on and so forth.

The second main feature of the game is the slayer powers storage system this is where the once towers have become upgraded the player has then the ability to save these towers into a custom Tower menu allowing the players to effectively store the upgraded towers and the use them like the games default towers. This allows players to store as many towers as they once as they will be saved to the player profile and wants the player comes back to the game they will be able to use all the towers they have collected in the emissions. The players will have the ability to rename their towers that they have collected and also write descriptions about them in order to leave useful notes about the tower.


Towers are the main line of the defense for the player to defend there base from in coming waves. the player will be given for default towers at the beginning of the game these will consist of a gun tower which is a standard projectile shooting tower. A long-range tower with a slow fire rate but high damage and a very large range of its. A tank tower which has no offensive abilities was able to withstand an immense damage from enemies. And the resource gathering tower this tower has no offensive or defensive capabilities but can  produce resources for the player which is a man be collected and used to construct more towers. Through upgrading the players can reduce a multitude of new breeds of towers that they can then use in game.

Tower upgrades
Tower upgrading happens when the player has constructed a certain amount of towers the towers have a chance to spontaneously upgrade themselves which will only be able to happen once to a tower on the map for a set period of time until the next upgrade can happen. once at I was upgraded it can take on a new physical change having a different appearance than the other towers. Upgrades that may occur to the tower may be stab related for example the tower may gain more damage or even how have a faster fire rate as well but tower can take on more substantial changes for example gain the ability to shoot two projectiles at once instead of one or even have the ability to shoot a new projectiles which have special effects.

Infantry system
the infantry system directly links in to the tower upgrading system because players can take the new upgraded towers and save them into this infantry system. The infantry system is saved to the players profile no one ever the player loads up their profile they will have all the towers they have collected in this infantry system and then be able to use these towers in the game similar to the normal default towers. Players can customize this towers by renaming them and read new descriptions of the towers.

Special abilities
Special abilities are a player controlled events in which the player can click and use a special ability on the map. the abilities will either be a global ability which automatically activates or a top disability which the player must click the button and then target an area in which they want the special ability to affect. Special abilities can vary from poisoning enemies to fulfilling players towers or even have destroyed all enemy units on the map. all special abilities will have a cool down rates in which the players need to wait until they can use a ability against the more stronger the ability is for example the global destruction ability will have a longer cool down than other abilities which are weaker.

Increasing enemy difficult
when the player begins the game and starts the waves of enemies the first enemies will start off the weakest with the lowest amount of health and numbers but as the player continues through waves the enemy numbers will become stronger and so will their health meaning of the ways are never-ending and carry on infinitely. As the waves progress new enemy will be introduced over time which will also increase in health and numbers over time there will be a set number of enemies that will be used in the game and wants all are introduced the enemy waves will increase in numbers and strength until the player loses the game.

level design

How will the levels be set out
easier levels will be set out with longer path is that the and you must travel upon to reach the players base but in the harder levels this pattern be shortened to increased difficulty. Easier levels will often be littered with U-turns and long stretches for the enemies to go along allowing players to put down towers in U-turn tight areas in order to allow players to use towers to their full advantage.

How does the level design impact game play
The level design will take a huge part in gameplay for the levels as the length of the level will determine how difficult it will be. while the more difficult levels will shorten the path length that the enemy has to take to reach the player base therefore increasing the difficulty for the player.

Types of levels
The levels of the game will effectively be set in a forest/jungle area try to keep in the theme of plants and greenery. The path of the enemy will be intertwined into the environments of the game. The areas in which players can play sound towers will be intertwined of the environment also. the more difficult levels will revolve around smaller path lengths are enemies and is well more limited areas to the players which towers meaning the players have to be more efficient with their tower placement.

User Interface

How the user interface will be set out
Similar to other tower defense game the player will have at the top of the screen the amount of resources they currently possess as well as the amount of health this structure has and also the amount of enemies which are currently on the map at that period in time as well as that of the screen there will be the button which allows players to speed up the time in game. To the left of the screen there will be two types which the player can open which will open the normal Tower menu which will select the normal base towers and also the players custom Tower menu which will contain all their customized towers which they have collected through the game.

Tower selection
When the player is in game they will have the ability to select towers on the map and view the stats of that tower. When the player selects a tower a small menu to the left of the screen, showing the name of the tower a 3-D representation of the tower as well as the current stats of the tower and a description if this tower is upgraded it will also list special abilities this tower may have taken on these will all be able to be viewed by the player is almost a bio of that tower giving descriptive information about all assets of about tower.

Storing custom towers
when the player has encountered an upgraded tower they have the ability to open the custom tower menu then select the upgraded tower and drag it straight into this menu is effectively storing this tower permanently to the players profile they can then view the tower in the custom menu selecting get and viewing all the information about this tower similar to the tower selection but in the custom menu.

Special abilities
the UI abilities will be set to the bottom right of the screen set out as buttons these buttons will be easily selected by the player and will utilise certain effects in the get. Once used the bottom will be unable to be clicked and then display a number which will be its cooldown period until they can be used again.

the audience I will be aiming to reach with this game will be primarily males and females from the age of 8-25 the game will display no  the Lord all Gore and be in a cartoon style fashion primarily this game will beplaced on the PC utilising the full mouse and keyboard in order to control the game

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