Prototype proposal
For my Project i am making a game that i will present for this project. I will be making a prototype game which will have basic mechanics of the main game and also subject the game to test and scrutiny from outside sources through the use of people testing the game and providing valuable feedback on what they think could improve the game. For my game I have developed an idea which the game will be based around as well as thought out a set of mechanics based on the guidelines from my research which will hopefully give interesting game play to the players.
Main premise of the game
The game idea in which I'm going to be using for my name is a tower defence base game in which the players must construct a combination of offensive and defensive towers in order to defend a certain object. The player also have to defend the towers they placed down on the map from incoming enemy waves which will descend randomly on the defensive object which.
the player will be able to upgrade their towers which they have constructed with various different upgrades which branch out into upgrades trees allowing towers to be gone specialised in certain abilities. The upgrades of the towers are going to be difficult to obtain for the players in order to present them with challenge instead of paying sanely sourced to upgrade the towers the player will have to achieve certain goals in order to obtain these new upgrades for that individual tower this for example could be that individual tower destroying 10 enemies and then it may become more upgraded.
Once players have upgraded towers on their map they will then be able to say use these upgraded towers in a separate tower infantry system in which the player can save these towers and see the stats of the tower as well the player can then place these new saved towers down on the map to use again. As well this will allow players to save these towers to their profile to that if they decide to leave the game instead of the upgrades being lost the upgraded towers stored for the players to reuse the next time they start the game so players can construct towers were observed previously upgraded this will be a way of the players to advance through more difficult levels which require more skill and firepower from towers.
The players will also have access to special abilities these are player controlled events in which the players can use these abilities to gain an advantage over the enemy for example this could be that the players could give themselves extra resources or could be destroy a certain of enemies on the map or various others. The special abilities will have high cool downs depending on how effective this ability is.
similar to most other tower defence games I'm not going to include a narrative story into the game only the concept of the player that they are under attack and survive incoming waves in terms of storytelling elements there will be few with only a short explanation to the player on how to play the game at what's happening.
the main goal of the player to reach more difficult waves and rounds of enemies and also build up an infantry of vastly more powerful towers which they can deploy into the game. There will be able to compare levels through a leaderboard system in which they be able to compare with other people playing the game on how far they have got.
Game play
Gameplay will consist primarily of a tower defence game structure but with a few differences. These differences will be that the player like most of a tower defence games will have to defend a structure with their powers both their towers themselves can be destroyed by the enemies and that in a sense the player must use the towers as a shield to protect the main structure.
the players will be able to utilise power upgrades and special abilities in order to fend off from incoming enemy waves but the more waves the player progresses through the harder they will become to defeat gaining more health as the ways press on meaning that some point the player will be defeated due to overwhelming odds. But this means that players will then get to upgrade their towers through the resources they will be gathering when fending off more high emissions allowing them to upgrade the tower is more allowing them to survive even longer waves gaining more resources.
Core-loops (mechanics)
The resource system in the game will consist of a base amounts of this resource and then as the players destroyed more the enemies will gain a certain amount of resources pair kill of the enemy. As the waves increase and the enemies number and strength increases also will the amount of resources gain per kill of the enemy for example on wave one of the player destroys one enemy they may only get one resource box if the player reaches wave 10 and defeats one of them enemies they may yield 10 or five resources per kill.
The towers of the player can use in the game will first be limited to only three or four different types the first type will be a defensive structure with no offensive capabilities but has high levels of health so that I can take a lot more of damage then all of the towers. The second tower type will be a basic shooting tower with a standard range and standard attack speed considered to be the normal tower. The third tower will be a long-range space tower with high range but very slow firing and high damage. And the final tower will be a resource gathering tower which will not have any offensive or defensive abilities but will be able to over time generate resources for the player to use.
Tower infantry upgrade system
the Tower infantry upgrading system in essence is a way for players to save their upgraded towers that they have in the game to their profile and be able reuse these towers and place them down in new games of the same game. The way the Tower operating system aware is that over time the players towers will become more upgraded the more milestones they pass for example if the player uses a normal tower and kills 20 enemies whether this tower will automatically upgrade itself to maybe I'll put more damage or have a faster fire if these upgrades will be randomised. Then the player can select this new tower which has different stats to the normal tower and save it in an infantry system and then the player can respawn this new tower in whenever they like and resource cost and this will allow players to build up an arsenal of customised towers that they have unlocked and reuse them in any new level they go on this will allow players to progress through the more hard stages of the game as they will build up an arsenal of strong towers and then be able to conquer the new harder levels which in turn will allow them to unlock even stronger towers allowing players to you then reach even higher waves and so on and so forth.
Special abilities
the special abilities in the game are going to be something I've controlled primarily by the player which will be used to give certain buffs or even have certain effects on the game. The player may be able to use a ability in which they will destroy any enemies in the center area or an ability which may give them a certain amount of resources the play will be able to choose from a vast array of special abilities but only be able to bring a certain amount of them into the game to avoid unbalanced gameplay.
Level design
the level design of the game will be in some ways similar to other tower defence game in the way that enemies will travel along the same path and then upon reaching the end of the track damage players structure. but differently to some other tower defence gamethe play will be able to construct towers along this path in order to blockade the enemies and create choke points but if the players towers core in the path of the enemy they will take significant damage from the enemy units. There will be multiple variations of the through different level design involving longer pass for more easier levels and shortcuts for more difficult levels.
UI(User Interface)
The URI to the game will try to remain as simple as possible in order not to confuse the players upon the top of the screen it will display the players lives how much resource they currently have and also how many enemies will consist on the battlefield at that time. On the left side of the screen the play will be able to see a tower selection and the player's Tower selection menu in which the player can and then construct them onto the designated areas. the normal Tower menu consists of the four default towers which can be selected and built and the custom Tower menu will display all the towers that the player has collected through the play of the game which can also be constructed for the resource curse On the right side of the screen the player will be able to choose from special abilities which they can use on the map once used the special abilities will display a cooldown time in which players can use new abilities
if the player selects a tower to bring up information about that time the player will be presented with a new UI screen the new UI screen will show on the left current information about the tower selected such as damage ports amount of health this tower has on the right under the scheme will be the custom player tower selection menu in which the player can choose whether or not to save this tower into that tower selection menu and reuse it.
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