Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Year 3: Game update: Master template: Tier upgrades/Importing properties

Master template: Tier upgrades

Importing properties
The main system that sets set this tower apart from all the others is the what i call tier up grading system. once the master template tower is spawned a copy from the event is launched triggering the mutation begin pulse if first launches into for each loop which  breaks down the variable tower around itself it then uses a sequence which breaks the events into three pulses we then send the first pulse to a macro called compile towers around itself this then cast to all the available types of towersand find their references and sends them to the next macro. The second pulse triggers the macro compile results. And the fared pulse changes the varied up this tower as a mutation to true.

this is inside the compile results macro if their staffs split into a sequence and then uses a macro called compile cast to Tower type.  we then use a reach vulnerable the wayof 0.1 seconds about completion we checked to see if this is the first time the tower has mutated if true we then use a macro called work out percentages of this tower and its false we used improved tower increased here level the macro is used for the first time this tower has been spawned an improved tower node is used after the macro has been used. Upon the completion of the macro the first time towers mutated than equals to false

This is inside the compile cast the tower type what it does is checks to see what type of tower the  power the occupied this round play was by using the important information from the last tower. It then checksthis informationin order to be used later

inside the work I'll percentage for the tower node this is what looks like it uses a work out percentage macro which takes in a percentage and on the likely hood of it being true or false releases and events.  once the events equals true it then goes on to ignore the macro called change tower followed by the name of the applied tower  it is a macro that get all the defaults properties of that tower and then set them to the variables of the new tower this is a redundancy to make sure that the important information for the tie is correct. It is then followed by a custom node which sets of the model of the template tower to the corresponding tower type it is meant to impersonate.

Tier upgrades
if the template tower has gone from its first stages of implementing its default properties and then it goes round is to be upgraded again it then goes through a process in which the default properties of the tower are improved as shown in the images below what if the tower tear is equal to 5 this will be when all the properties which are more important change such as shield properties or Buff  properties or even resource collection meaning that these variables are not changed every tier level or every five in order to preserve balance though this can be tweeting change in the future if needed

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