Monday, 25 April 2016

Year 3: Game update: Towers: Venus trap (Melee tower)

Venus trap


The idea for this tower came from two different games these games being balloons Tower defense 5 and toy solders. The game "Toy solders" is a game that splits between to two game genres these being a tower defence/strategy game only has a limited number of defense towers this is where there " flamethrower tower" was born from as with only limited  number of towers want our the only way to close range is actually a viable option for the developers to make. The trade of with a structure like this is that with its limited range it has a massive advantage in its damage both but with its limitation that it can only attack in a small range.

The second example is from the game balloon tower defense 5 the tower from this game that gave me inspiration is a tower call "Tack shooter" this tile works off a week damage in order to the fact that enemies this means that shoots out in the general area damaging all towers around the this tower is very effective at destroying enemies but with its trade-off of being very limited range.


Make this tower is work was very easy as to get it to work all i had to do was copy the blueprints from the "Disperser" tower. 

Then certain variable had to be tweaked and modified in order to change the tower. there were three variables that have to be changed in order to make the transformation to this new tower complete. these where the " tower range", " tower damage per hit" and "Tower rate of fire PS" 

The tower damage is set to the highest in the game as this tower will be the most powerful in terms of its output damage.

The tower rate of fire was significantly reduce to 1 shot every four seconds in order to balance its damage with its rate of fire.

The range of the tower was significantly reduced down to 500 units making its effective range 250 units which is by all accounts the smallest range with a game this is the balance its high damage. 

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